Mark Cuban Called Donald Trump Lazy After Being Publicly Shamed By Stephen Colbert For Praising Him

Posted by Martina Birk on Sunday, September 8, 2024


  • Mark Cuban called Trump lazy on Colbert's show, criticizing his work ethic in politics.
  • Cuban also mocked Trump's financial issues, Trump University, and appearance in a comedic way.
  • During a previously friendly interview, Colbert confronted Cuban about his changing views on Trump.

During the same era he was making many movie cameos, Donald Trump was a regular guest on several talk shows. Some of Trump's memorable talk show appearances include the time he joked about Tiger Woods cheating and when he talked to Jay Leno about prenups. Unfortunately for Trump, people he has feuded with, like Russell Brand, have used talk shows to call him out.

One notable example of a celebrity using a talk show to call out Trump is the time Mark Cuban called him lazy while talking to Stephen Colbert. That interaction was even more interesting since Colbert called out Cuban for previously praising Trump.

This article will reveal why Mark Cuban called Donald Trump lazy during an appearance on Stephen Colbert's talk show. Then the article will look at how Cuban viciously mocked Trump earlier during the same appearance on Colbert's show.

Mark Cuban Called Donald Trump Lazy After Previously Praising Him

On July 21st, 2016, Mark Cuban made an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Typically when Colbert has people on his show, he opens up with some friendly banter about their life and career.

When Cuban walked out on Colbert's stage to be interviewed on July 21st, 2016, the talk show host immediately confronted the Shark Tank star. Colbert did this by immediately calling out Cuban for previously stating that Donald Trump was a great thing for politics.

"I want to point something out to you, my friend. In July of 2015, you said, quote, "Trump is probably the best thing to politics in a long time. I don't care what his actual positions are."

If most talk show interviews began in such a confrontational way, it is easy to imagine them struggling to get guests. After all, most movie stars and musicians expect a friendly environment when they appear on a talk show to promote their latest project.

During Mark Cuban's July 21st, 2016 Stephen Colbert interview, the Shark Tank star admitted that he has thought about running for President. However, Cuban stated that he wouldn't want to put his kids through that level of scrutiny and he doesn't really like politics.

However, as Colbert quoted him, Cuban seemed perfectly happy to have his past comments brought up. Cuban seemed equally happy when Colbert pointed out his changing position on Trump. As Colbert explained to his audience, Cuban revealed that he opposed Trump the night before their interview.

"But last night on Twitter, you officially joined the never Trump club."

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As Colbert stated that Cuban opposed Trump, he held up an image of a tweet the Shark Tank star posted the night before. The tweet read in part, "I have to admit I've become a #nevertrump". In response to the Shark Tank star's new position, Colbert asked Cuban to explain why his views on Trump changed.

After taking a breath for a moment, Cuban explained Trump's public statements made him realize he couldn't support him.

"At the beginning, he was a business person and I wanted to see a change from the traditional politician. But then he went and opened his mouth. You know?"

Cuban then went on to tell Colbert that he believed that Donald Trump really could have changed how politics worked. However, Cuban stated that he believed Trump was too lazy to make politics better.

"I mean, he had a really good chance to be different and really have a chance to change things. But he doesn't do the work. He's lazy."

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Melania Trump has a very personal reason not to be at Donald Trump's side during his hush money trial, according to an insider.

After Cuban stated that he thought Trump was lazy, Colbert and the Shark Tank star began joking about super wealthy people. Colbert began this part of the interview by asking how billionaires he knew felt about Trump.

In response, Cuban joked around about how Trump had been kicked out of the billionaires club.

From there, Colbert asked Cuban to opine about how rich Trump actually was at that time. Even though Cuban mocked Trump a lot during his The Late Show with Stephen Colbert appearance, he didn't take the bait at that time.

How rich are Donald Trump and Mark Cuban as of May 2024, according to Forbes?

How rich is Donald Trump?:

$7.5 billion

How rich is Mark Cuban?:

$5.4 billion

How much richer is Donald Trump than Mark Cuban?:

$2.1 billion

Instead of stating that the Republican leader wasn't as rich as he said, Cuban took Trump's claims about how rich he was at face value.

"You know, who knows how much debt he has but I'll give him the creidt. He's a billionaire, fine. More power to him. You know. Who cares? Who cares, right? Who cares? More power to you, right?"

Mark Cuban Viciously Mocked Donald Trump During His 2016 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Appearance

Before Mark Cuban was interviewed by Stephen Colbert on July 21st, 2016, he'd previously come out on stage. Cuban came out to take part in a recurring The Late Show with Stephen Colbert segment where Colbert or his guest would take the gloves off.

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In Cuban's case, he came out onstage to take gloves off while talking about Donald Trump. To say that the things that Cuban went on to say about Trump were vicious is an understatement.

Cuban started the segment by joking about reports about Trump's hand size and his past financial issues.

"Donald, the gloves are off. Hey, speaking of gloves, I got you a pair for your birthday. You're a child's medium, right? Donald, I've got a travel tip for you. When you're going through customs and they ask if you've got anything to declare, try not to blurt out, 'Bankruptcy.'"

Cuban then went on to mock Trump University and Donald Trump's looks.

"Hey Donald, Donald, your companies fail so often, you must have gone to business school at Trump University! You're shiny, orange, and empty inside. I would say you are a traffic cone but I would swerve to avoid a traffic cone."

Cuban finished the segment by making fun of Trump's relationship with Cuban voters and how much money he really has.
